With the Heart to Breathe, to Transport the Body - Tai Ji
Score:Manohar Murthi      Date:2017-10-17


The mountains are grey, the rivers are vast, Tai Ji culture has a long history. After two months of hard training, the Miami Institute made its debut in the shadowboxing competition. From the harsh winter to the pleasant spring, from the cold winter wind to the breeze, from the grey blue sky to the bright sunny day, our students work from dawn to dusk and work hard. Whether it is the flag bearer or the players of Tai Ji competition, the students are motivated and sweating. Every gesture and motion of Tai Ji is filled with students' blood.

Miami institutes five steps boxing are mighty and powerful, and the students have a strong hand, and their style are very different from Tai Ji, which make the audience shine at the moment. Every gesture and motion is elegant, which shows our charm. During the opening and closing, we make tacit agreement, showing the "Yin and Yang" and "false reality" extremely.The courage and flexibility of Tai Ji have enriched our college days.

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