Zhai Qiumin
Score:Manohar Murthi      Date:2017-10-18

Zhai Qiumin

Education Experience: From August 2015 to January 2016, a visiting scholar at Hawaii state University in the United States

                     In September 2005, the University of Tokyo, Japan, quaternary geology, postdoctoral

                     In June 2000, she graduated from the department of resources and environmental science of

                     Beijing Normal University, Dr. Natural geology

Research Direction: Geomorphologic and quaternary environment, urban environmental pollution and control

Main Achievements: In 2005, the academic technical leader of Henan Provincial Education Department

                   In 2010, Kaifeng excellent teacher

                                      Two second prizes of Henan Province higher education excellent teaching achievement award

                   Published a number of important academic papers

                   She was involved in two research projects


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